Colorado T.E.N.T.
The Earned Networked Transition
We foster desistence, We don’t sell tents.
Desistance is the ceasing of criminal activity.
The Earned Networked Transition Network (TENT) recognizes that the three primary factors in predicting desistance or recidivism upon release from incarceration are:
Access to Housing
Meaningful Employment
Reliable Transportation
The difference between desistance and recidivism also hinges on the ability to cope with the day-to-day life outside of an institutional setting.
Recidivism reduction
is not a skill
that one can practice,
while incarcerated.
Instilling a realisitic understanding …
… of the world they will be transitioning to and what will be expected of them when they get there is a crucial desistance skill that Colorado TENT is particularly adept at facilitating.